JoAnn Ruggiero

JoAnn Ruggiero is a Registered Nurse with over 20 years of medical experience in both school and hospital settings. Currently, JoAnn is a nurse at Eugene Auer Elementary School in Lake Grove, New York. Previously, JoAnn worked in the orthopedic unit and maternal child unit at St. Charles Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. JoAnn has also been a volunteer member of several school district and parent committees in her hometown of Port Jefferson, New York. JoAnn holds an Associate Degree in Nursing and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education.
JoAnn’s daughter, Sarah (Class of 2026), is a University of Arizona freshman majoring in Elementary Education. Sarah is also a member of the Lady LaxCats - University of Arizona’s Women’s Lacrossse Team. Sarah’s older brother Michael is a recent University of Florida graduate with a BS in Nursing. He is currently working as a critical care nurse in the cardiac intensive care unit at UF Health Shands Hospital.