Spring Student Health Care Options: Open Enrollment Closes January 25, 2023

The Spring 2023 Open Enrollment is currently underway! During open enrollment, students may enroll for one of two available health care options – CampusCare or The Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Student Health Insurance Plan, underwritten by UnitedHealthcare StudentResources.
At Campus Health, we aim to promote health, wellness, and safety among UA students and the community we serve. We support this mission by providing various high-quality medical and behavioral health services with care and compassion. As a result, we were the nation's first fully accredited college health service. In addition, we've consistently ranked in the top 3% of Best Health Services by the Princeton Review. Explore all the services that Campus Health offers here.
Our services are available to all registered main-campus students. In addition, Arizona Online, Southern Arizona (AZCAST) & Distance Learner students are eligible to be seen at Campus Health if they are registered for at least 1 unit and have paid the Health portion of the UA Health & Recreation fee.
Insurance is not required to receive services at Campus Health. However, every student is strongly recommended to maintain adequate health insurance to cover unexpected medical expenses.
Student Discounted Rate – With support from the Health & Recreation fee, services are affordable compared to those provided in the community. Registered main-campus students are automatically eligible for the Student Discounted Rate.
Commercial Health Plans – Already have insurance? Campus Health is a participating provider to most United Healthcare, Aetna, BlueCross/BlueShield, Cigna, and Health Net plans for primary care services. Please check with your insurance carrier if Campus Health (Tax ID 74-2652689) is a participating provider under your plan.
CampusCare – This health care option is an ideal bridge for students covered by any health plan where one may have a high deductible, limited benefits, or no coverage for charges incurred at Campus Health. CampusCare is not health insurance. CampusCare covers most expenses after a designated office visit fee for services provided exclusively at UA Campus Health. Please visit the CampusCare link above for information on eligibility, coverage dates, cost, and open enrollment deadlines.
- Spring CampusCare Coverage Dates: 01/01/23 - 05/31/23
- Spring CampusCare Cost: $175.00
Student Health Insurance Plan – This is a top-tier medical policy underwritten by UnitedHealthcare StudentResources (UHCSR). This plan provides nationwide coverage and an emergency benefit worldwide. Under this plan, UA Campus Health serves as the Primary Care Provider. Students have direct access to Emergency Rooms, participating Urgent Care facilities, an Annual Routine Eye Exam, and OB/GYN services, including preventive and routine services from in-network providers. Please visit the Student Health Insurance link above for information on eligibility, coverage dates, cost, and deadlines to enroll.
- Spring Student Insurance Coverage Dates: 01/01/23 - 08/15/23
- Spring Student Insurance Premium: $1,720.00
Open Enrollment for the Student Health Insurance and CampusCare is generally available two months before the start of the semester or upon class registration. In compliance with the UA email policy, all open enrollment notices and information regarding the health care options are sent to the student's official UA email address.
Enrollment is available through the student's UAccess Student Center account. After logging in to their account, students should select the "Personal" tab and choose "Campus Health Options".
The last day to add or cancel coverage for Spring 2023 is January 25, 2023.
Enrolling for Insurance After an Open Enrollment Period: The Student Health Insurance can only be added, canceled, or changed during the published open enrollment. However, certain qualifying life events will allow one to come onto the plan outside the open enrollment, providing arrangements are made within 30 days of the qualifying event. Don't hesitate to reach out to the Campus Health Insurance Office for more information: chs-insurance@distribution.arizona.edu.