Setting Students up for Spring Success

Starting the spring semester can be difficult for many students, it can be that they liked the break and liked being home. Getting back into an academic mindset can be difficult. However, for first year students it can be difficult because they may not have done as well as they had hoped in the fall semester. For many students college will be the first time they have poor grades, or didn’t meet their own academic expectations. This is completely normal.
When talking to your student about how their fall went it is important to know that there are resources to support them and you should encourage them to use those resources.
Academic Support - The THINK TANK is a hub for tutoring and other academic support services on campus. Most services are free and there is tutoring or supplemental instruction support for many Math, Science, Business, Statistics and Language courses. Additionally, the writing center can support students with any writing assignment.
Health & Wellness – Campus Health – Health Promotions has a variety of support services for students covering everything from mental health and stress to nutrition, sleep and alcohol/drug use.
Connecting with Campus & Peers – Connecting with campus, peer mentoring or finding activities can have a significant positive impact on a students overall success and academics. SOS can help students find ways to engage on campus and the Thrive Center hosts events and students can connect with a peer mentor.
Access and Accommodations – Students who would like to discuss access and academic accommodations should connect with the Disability Resource Center.
Contact SOS to get information on campus programs and get connected with the right people. SOS will answer any question or get you (and your student) to the right people. You are always talking to university staff. You should receive responses 8-9pm (AZ) everyday with a longer response time on weekends and holidays.