Student Success & Retention Innovation

Sept. 28, 2020
SOS image

When your student applied to the University of Arizona you probably had a specific picture of what their time here would look like. As we all know this isn't it.  But... while self-isolating and social distancing isn't what you or your student wanted, it is part of their Arizona journey.  This semester will be something that they remember, and they got this!   


The purpose of Student Success & Retention Innovation is to support all undergraduate students. We do this by providing holistic student support. Our area consists of: 


Each of the areas supports students on their goal of graduation. Within SOS (Support. Outreach. Success) the staff regularly outreaches to students, leads sense of belonging and growth mindset efforts and responds to theneeds of students and their supporters.  we want to make sure your students have the resources that they need to be successful and the SOS staff will try to connect them to the right places.  No question is too small.  Visit SOS.ARIZONA.EDU to ask questions and get assistance.  You can chat, text, or email SOS.  



Get virtually connected to your campus community.  Students can: