Registration Frustration? Advisors Are Here to Help!

Nov. 22, 2021
"Registration Frustration?" poster

It is likely that back in high school your student was given a schedule of classes each year from their counselors that laid out exactly where to go each period. Even starting college, they were given a schedule of classes during their orientation but enrolling in classes now looks very different and it is up to your student to take timely action to ensure they are on track for graduation.

As supporters, you may be on the receiving end of some stressed out, panicked phone calls regarding classes and enrollment. So, to start, know that you are not alone, and neither is your student! Each major (even exploratory students) has at least one academic advisor assigned to them who are experts in the curriculum requirements for that degree. As advisors, we are also well-versed in all resources, processes, and policies at the University, which is why it is recommended for students to meet with us at least once a semester. They can find their advisor’s contact information and link to schedule on their UAccess Student Center.

So, first, let us give you some insight into the process your loved ones are currently navigating. The university runs on a semester system which means the classes students take will typically last about 16 weeks. Regular semesters include Fall (August-December) and Spring (January-May). We also offer summer and winter courses that are more accelerated in nature.

Students will have access to enroll in their upcoming semester during something we call “priority registration”, which allows all current students priority in choosing classes. Specific pre-determined populations, such as honors students, will go first. Priority is also based on class-standing (i.e., seniors go first, juniors follow, etc.). Every few days the next cohort’s enrollment date will open up and allow them to register for their upcoming term on their UAccess Student Center. Once their enrollment date opens, it will not close until around the start of the semester. We always encourage students to keep the University’s Dates & Deadlines bookmarked for easy access. This means if they need to adjust their schedule, they are free to do so any time before those add and drop deadlines. Priority Registration for any given semester usually takes place about a month before the end of the regular semester prior (i.e., registration for Spring takes place during the month of November).

Stress can arise when classes fill up and there are no more seats, or maybe a student hasn’t met the pre-requisites for the course they want. To avoid this, it is imperative that students meet with their advisor before the registration period begins to ensure they are ready to go by their eligible date with the correct classes in their shopping cart– the earlier the better so we can check on individual holds, placements, basic scholarship renewal criteria, and more. Putting this off will only increase chances of losing a class they may need. You can remind your students to never simply rely on a sample 4-year plan because these are very generic and can become outdated quickly.

As this round of priority registration comes to a close, you may be wondering what your student can do at this point if they are still missing classes. Checking in with an advisor for a back-up plan is best, but we also encourage students to keep a close eye on those classes that are currently closed. With many students continuing to make changes and swap classes, it is likely a spot will open up before the start of the semester. On the other hand, it is rare, but possible, that a class capacity will increase. There is also an app your student can download called “Coursicle” that is external to the University but linked to the schedule of classes and will notify the student if a spot opens up.

If your student has any questions or concerns, please encourage them to schedule with their advisor and they can always reach out to Wayfinders for general assistance, insights, and resources. We are here to help!