Major Exploration in The A Center

July 14, 2022
A Center photo

Hello Parents and Families!

As the academic year begins, one of the most popular questions new Wildcat students hear is: “What are you majoring in?” For many of our undeclared students and students thinking of changing of major, this can be a difficult question to answer, but we are here to help!

In The A Center, we serve a majority of undeclared students on campus and also help declared students explore majors. Here are some of some of the major exploration resources we provide throughout the year:

-Major Exploration Appointments: we work with students to help them find a major that is well suited to their interests and academic strengths. We encourage our undeclared students to make an appointment three times a semester, so that their academic advisor and them can make progress to that major goal. In addition, we also offer major exploration appointments to students declared in other majors. We know a majority of students will change their major at least once, and our expert advisors are here to help provide support, especially if students do not know which major to declare next. To make an appointment, students can visit our Make An Appointment webpage.

-MyMajors Assessment: We encourage students exploring majors to begin with out MyMajors Assessment. This 15-minute assessment evaluates a student’s interest, skills, and values to create a customized list of majors at the university to consider.

-SERP 197P: Our major exploration course, SERP 197P: Explore, Discover, Decide…Your Major, is a 2 unit course designed to give students an in-depth and structured approach to major exploration. Taught by our academic advisors, we guide students through major exploration through various topics and activities.

-Meet Your Major Fair: Our Meet Your Major Fair is returning to in-person in the fall on September 28th. The fair highlights a majority of our majors on campus, and it is a great way for all students to explore their options and meet major representatives. In addition, students can prepare for the fair by watching major informational videos on our website.

-Major Declaration Day: At the end of the spring semester, we invite all our students who declared to celebrate their accomplishments. We provide food, certificates, photos, and raffles to celebrate all our declared students!

The A Center’s staff is looking forward to greeting our new and returning students for the new academic year! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out by emailing us at or call at (520) 621-7763.