Let’s Do Our Part to Beat COVID-19 at UArizona!

Sept. 26, 2022
6-feet apart COVID instructional poster

Image credit: Rachel Larson

I am a senior majoring public health and I have a lot of concerns about the reopening of the school and I think you all must have some too. Are you wondering how the University will reopen?  I can reassure you that the university administrators are trying their best to ensure and protect your health.  As students, you can help stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep you, your friends, and your families safe by correctly following university COVID-19 guidelines such wearing at face covering when in public, social distancing, and staying home when sick. It is important be aware of your surroundings because people may not have symptoms, but they can still spread the disease. Remember to keep 6 feet of distance between yourself and people who you do not live in your household and avoid physical contact or large crowds. I understand distancing yourself from people that you may live in the same building, or apartment community is hard know, but face coverings do not substitute for social distancing. Remember you are still at risk of being infected with COVID-19 and it is important that we all do our part to stop the spread. Bear Down and Beat COVID-19!